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Job Vacancy
About Jafa Indo Corpora
PT. JAFA INDO CORPORA is a company founded in 1998 and registered. As a long-established company, PT JIC as the Placement Company for Indonesian Migrant Workers (P3MI) has more than 20 years of experience in distributing skilled, trained, and professional Indonesian Migrant Workers and has more than 15 Operation offices spread out through Indonesia
PT JIC has distributed more than 2000 Indonesian migrant workers annually since 2016 to Asian regions such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and other countries such as Poland. PT JIC always tries to expand its wings by starting to channel PMI to other countries.
Become the best Indonesian Migrant Worker Placement Company (P3MI) by prioritizing services and guarantees of protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI), as well as being committed to placing nimble, skilled, and good personality PMIs.
• Committed to being the pioneer of the Indonesian Migrant Worker Placement Company in a procedural manner.
• Require all boards of directors and staff to implement 3S (Senyum, Salam, and Sapa).
• Maintain communication to stay connected with Indonesian Migrant Workers both during Pre Placement and After PMI is in the country of placement.
• Opening operation offices in all provinces, to reach remote areas in order to provide clear and correct information about the PMI placement process in accordance with existing legislation in Indonesia.
• Collaborating with accredited overseas LPKs for the distribution of competent Indonesian Migrant Workers.
Words from Our Leader
Jafa Indo Corpora was established in 1998 and now has more than 15 Operation offices spread throughout Indonesia and will continue to grow to easily reach Indonesian migran workers.
Jafa Indo Corpora has a goal of improving the quality and standard of living of Indonesian migran workers by following the correct procedures, providing opportunities to get good jobs to increase their income, and collaborating with The Bintang Indo Corpora and Government Job Training Center so that the Indonesian migran workers are ready and have the appropriate skills.

Dodi Suardi
Chairman / CEO
Activities in BLK
Practice Class
Language Class
Visiting Gallery
07 NOVEMBER 2024
10 NOVEMBER 2024
11 NOVEMBER 2024

Head Office
Jl. Pahlawan, Gg. Bogowonto No.4, Mertokondo, Kutosari, Kebumen, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
- (0287) 387 8142
Branches Office :
Cilacap (Jawa Tengah)
Jl. Badak No 454 RT 005 RW 001 Cilacap Utara, Kabupaten Cilacap, Jawa Tengah, 53281
Brebes (Jawa Tengah)
Jl. Sutalila No 33 Slatri Utara, SLatri, Larangan, Brebes, Jawa Tengah
Palembang(Sumatera Selatan)
Jl. Inspektur Marzuki Ujung No. 2564 04/09 Siring Agung Pakjo Kota Palembang
Purworejo (Jawa Tengah)
Jl. Jogja No Km 4 IV, Boro Kulon, Kec Banyuurip, Purworejo, Jawa Tengah
Tapanuli (Sumatera Utara)
Gg Purba, Sibuluan Nalambok, Sarudik, Tapanuli Tengah Sumatera Utara 22532
Majalengka (Jawa Barat)
Jl. Raya timur no 41 Desa Loji Jatiwangi, Majalengka, Jawa Barat 45454
Lombok (NTB)
Jl Nangka Jangkuk, Selagalas, Sandubaya, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat
Tegal (Jawa Tengah)
Jl. Arjuna 06/02 Gumayun, Dukuhwaru, Kabupaten Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52451
Binjai (Sumatera Utara)
Jl. Tengku Amir Hamzah No 5, Kec Binjai Utara, Kota Binjai, Sumatera Utara
Sragen (Jawa Tengah)
Dukuh Gambiran, RT 1 RW 5 Ds Sine, Sragen, Kabupaten Sragen
Purworejo (Jawa Tengah)
Jl. Tentara Pelajar, Kliwonan, Banyuurip, Purworejo, Jawa Tengah 53232
Gegesik (Jawa Barat)
Jl. Arjawinangun Jagapura, Gegesik Kidul, Gegesik, Cirebon, Jawa Barat 45164
Kisaran (Sumatera Utara)
Jl. Prof M. Yamin, SH Komplek Perumahan Latsitarda B3 Lk II Kisaran Timur, Asahan.
Madiun (Jawa Timur)
Jl. Sri Kaloko Timur 20A 007/003, Sukosari, Kartoharjo, Kota Madiun Jawa Timur 63119
Kota Medan (Sumatera Utara)
Jl Sunggal Komp. Mediterania No 8 B, Sunggal, Medan SUnggal, Kota Medan
Lampung (Lampung)
Dsn Margaorahayu I Kampung Kota Gajah, Kota Gajah, Lampung Tengah 34153
Bandar Lampung (Lampung)
Jl. Pulau Damar 20, Waydadi, Sukarame, Bandar Lampung, Lampung
Lombok Tengah (NTB)
Wakul Kel Renteng, Leneng, Praya, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah 83511